Monday, November 1, 2010

Trunk or Treat

Well, I wasn't such a great parent since I forgot to bring my camera to Trunk or Treat this year. This wouldn't be such a big deal, but since they didn't trick or treat on Sunday this year they didn't dress up again. I did talk Calissa into putting on her costume for a quick picture in the back yard one day after school.
Calissa dressed up as a Candy Corn Witch. So cute!
Parker went as a soccer ref and Conner as a ninja.

Here is Calissa at our ward Trunk or Treat. It was a long day that day with 8 soccer games, 8 reffed soccer games (hence the ref uniform for Parker) and two Halloween parties. We were partied out by the time we got home!

Our family was in charge of one of the carnival games before the actual Trunk or Treating. We were in charge of pumpkin bowling for 1/2 hour. The boys, Travis and I helped out while Calissa played the games. It was fun to do until the pumpkins started to break apart and seeds started spitting out! We found some duck tape and taped them back together! Duck tape fixes everything!

The kids had fun on Halloween opening the door for the trick-or-treaters at home. They are usually on the other side, but didn't seem to mind not going out themselves this year.

1 comment:

Lacy said...

I was sad we missed the C2 annual trunk or treat!! Jenn, your kids are getting older too fast!