Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bremem Town Musicians

Yesterday the 2nd graders performed the Bremem Town Musicians at the end of the school day. Calissa was a donkey and was very enthusiastic!
Even after watching the play twice (since a teacher got the time wrong and they performed it twice) I wasn't quite sure about the story line. You can read about it here:

Calissa loves to perform! She had a lot of personality and was one of the few kids doing some actions. Hopefully she was supposed to do the actions.

She tried out for a solo part and didn't get it, but I was proud of her for trying. Conner said that he never tries out for those things in music and Calissa couldn't understand why not. She loves the spotlight and is a born performer!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

You have the best kids, Jen! You are doing a great job! I sure hope we don't lose you guys as our home teachers now. But I have a feeling our new bishop will have bigger fish to fry now!