Monday, May 24, 2010

Liberty Gymnastics - Take Three

Calissa had her birthday party on Saturday for the third year in a row at Liberty Gymnastics. She takes gymnastics there and loves it! It is a very easy birthday party for me, since the gymnastics people do all of the work. All I have to do is the food and decorations.Here are Calissa and her friends having fun!
Pizza time!
(By the way - Round Table tried to charge me $50 for two pizzas and garlic twists (one cheese and one with one topping). I talked them down to $38. Not usually something that I would do, but I saved $12!)

Calissa wanted Strawberry Shortcake for her cake. Here she is blowing out her candles.


Tearing open her presents. She was in rare form Saturday night. Quite hyper. She sure loves being the center of attention!

One last group shot. Christopher came too, but wasn't in the picture.
Happy 8th birthday Calissa!

1 comment:

Sharee said...

Your baby is 8!!!!! Can you believe it.