Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Les Miserables

We were lucky enough to get invited to go to see Les Miserables in Walnut Creek last week.  The Smith's asked us if we were interested in going and we jumped at the chance.  I had seen it before in San Francisco, but Trav hadn't.  (He had only seen the Melodrama's performance and it was not quite the same thing, since it was a comedy instead of a tragedy).

Unfortunately, the night we went was the night that Parker ended up in the hospital (in Virginia). I got the phone call from the choir, and was trying to manage that, get Calissa to a sleep over, get changed into nicer clothes, and not be too worried about Parker.

The Smith's picked us up to go out to dinner while we were still talking to people in Virginia.  After talking with his chaperone (our Stake Patriarch, Jeff Adams) we knew he was going to be fine and it was just a precaution.  We still fielded several phone calls and finally got to talk to Parker during dinner at PF Chang's. We felt much better about the situation by the time we got to the theater.  We were pretty distracted during the evening though.

The show was really well done and we really enjoyed it.  It was a long first act and we got several text messages during the show.  We couldn't really look at them (since it's not polite) so at intermission we pulled out our phones and returned some texts.  Parker had posted something on Facebook about his trip in an ambulance so we had concerned friends and family trying to check in with us.

We finally made it home by about midnight. Thanks Smith's for a fun evening!

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