Tuesday, April 22, 2014


We had a great Easter Sunday.  The kids dyed Easter Eggs on Saturday.  We've probably only dyed Easter eggs about 6-7 times in 17 years.  Calissa was the most excited, but everyone participated!

 Our beautiful eggs!
 Smile!  (Trav was on his way to the Stake Conference Priesthood Session) 
We had Stake Conference the night before and the kids (12 and up) were invited to come as well.  There was a little grumbling, but once we got there, they felt the Spirit and were glad that they had gone.  Easter morning Parker and I had to get up early to drive into Oakland to practice for the Stake Choir.  As I was lying in my bed looking at Facebook everyone was posting "Happy Easter!"  I thought, "Oh yeah ... it's Easter.  Oh no, it's Easter!"  The Easter bunny had forgotten to fill the eggs and put together the Easter baskets. Luckily the bunny came through!

 It was a great Stake Conference and a beautiful day at the Oakland Temple!
 Once we made it home the kids looked for Easter Eggs in the back yard.
 A squirrel found one of the eggs and chewed a hole right through one end and ate some of the candy.  This egg was in the tree and was bothered. None of the other eggs were disturbed.  So weird!
 The kids looked high,
 and low,
 and found all of the eggs.  It's been a lot of years since we've had an egg hunt in the backyard.  It was fun finding the eggs in our beautiful backyard!
 One more family picture!
 We had Drew, Tina, and family over for dinner as well as my parents.  After dinner and dessert, my parents headed home.  The rest of us hung out in the backyard.  Emily crawled over to our flowers and decided that it would be fun to pick some.
 Trav relaxing (before he decided to change)
 Calissa and I enjoying the comfy couch.
 The girls
Lindsay, Tina, Calissa, Jen & Emily
 The boys
Parker, Drew, Christopher, Trav, & Conner
 The guys played Volleyball for quite a while.  The weather was so beautiful.
 The girls played around and had fun taking silly pictures.

 The Volleyball got hit over into Calissa's garden and broke off the top of one of her carrots.  
 They dug around and pulled out the carrot for Calissa.

We had a great day thinking about our Savior, Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that he made for each one of us.  We are eternally grateful for all that he did and that we can be together forever as an eternal family!

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