Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cross Country Team Party 2012

 Parker had his team party for Cross Country on Saturday, December 8th.  Unfortunately it was the same day as our Ward Christmas Party!  Grandma and Grandpa Romer stepped in and took him to the party at Fuddruckers that night.
They had a Secret Santa gift exchange.  Parker bought for Sabrina.  She is a huge Giants fan.  He got her a hard plastic Giants cup with a Giant's gift card inside.  He was going to buy her something Dodger related, but it's really hard to find Dodger things around here.
She had Parker and got him a Giant's shirt.
He says he's never going to wear it. Conner said he should burn it.
  After dinner and presents, the coach presented the awards.
Parker received the MVP award for the team.
 Although, it maybe should be the "MVR" (Most Valuable Runner). 
 His team got an award from the North Coast Section for being a distinguished scholar team with a combined GPA (non weighted) of 3.27.  That's awesome!
  Parker got a Scholar Athlete award from the North Coast Section also.  He earned a 3.83 non-weighted GPA for the 1st Quarter.  (That darn AP World History class!)
Parker also got a Scholar Athlete award from CHS for his 4.17 GPA for the 1st Quarter.

Congratulations Parker!  We are so proud of you and your athletic and scholastic achievements!

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