Monday, March 14, 2011

Eagle Peak Hike

(Posted by Conner)
We did a 5 mile hike on Saturday for 11 year old scouts. It was hard but I had fun. We hiked from the bottom of Mt. Diablo to Eagle Peak.
This view is from Mitchell Rock. I saw the view of the city and I had to take a picture.
This is another picture of Mitchell Rock. The mountain doesn't look good now because the grass was dug away for miners.

The last picture of this view shows the land and the city so it looks pretty cool.

This was our first resting place. The view was so good I had to take a picture. It was hard to get up there but that was nothing compared to the rest of the hike.

This is our 11 year old scouts group. We made it to Twin Peaks! That was nothing compared to the final destination. In the back of the picture there is a trail to the cave in the back of the Twin Peaks.

We are in the cave. It took longer than we thought but we made it. On the right is our scout leader. His name is Brother Berry.

This is a picture of the sun setting. It looks cool but I was to late for the actual sun on the horizon. We were close to the top now.
We made it to Eagle Peak!!!!!!! We still have to go back down though. 2369 feet!!! We yelled our patrol yell which is Rough, Tough, Rock and Roll. We're the Rad RoadRunners and We're on a Roll. Beep Beep Vroom!
Finally, we ate a snack and took a last picture up there and then we headed down.

This is to late for a sunset but it looked so good I had to take a picture of it.We went the rest of the way with flashlights and I got hurt almost right after we got them out. That was fun but it was probably the most exercise I got for a while. It only took about 3 hours to do it so we made good time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Conner. I enjoyed seeing them all on Sunday night. Grandma