Monday, March 14, 2011

Calissa Update

This update is a little late (I subbed 7 days in a row ... I don't know how working mothers get everything done!).
Here is her original x-ray. Don't look at the x-ray if you get queasy. (Her bones are not supposed to look like that!)

When I took her back in after our trip, we saw a Physicians Assistant who was very concerned about the severity of the break (and seemed to not quite believe Calissa when she told her what happened). I didn't panic and she eventually backed off, but it's still scary! Her bones were off by 11 degrees after they re-set them in the ER. After the x-ray on the 1st, they were of 15 degrees which is as far off as they can be without them doing something about it. She told us no PE, or any activity for 3-4 months! Yikes!!

They cut off her plaster cast after they had put her in the finger traps and strapped down her arm to stabilize the bones. Then after much indecision about cast color, they put on the pink cast as they pushed on the bones of her arm to try and straighten them out a little more. Poor little girl! She cried and screamed. (It had to of hurt a lot!)

Since she did so great, they decided to give her a stripe on her cast in another color. She decided on bright green! I grabbed a quick picture of her cast as I was dropping her off at school since I figured she was anxious for her friends to sign it. Sure enough, her cast was COVERED with signatures when I picked her up!
I took her back to the doctor last Wednesday and saw a different doctor. He didn't seem concerned at all about the severity of the break, or how it happened. He thinks she should be fine after 2 months to go back to normal activity. Wow ... two completely opposite opinions. Trav and I decided to be somewhere in between. Can go back to PE after Spring Break and then back to gymnastics on June 1st. Hopefully she won't break it again!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a nasty break. Heal quickly and completely Calissa! Love, Grandma