Saturday, April 30, 2016

Random Hiking Pictures

 I've been loving my Wednesday morning hikes with some of the RS sisters in our ward.  We went on a hike in Lime Ridge.
 It ended up raining, but we had a memorable time!  These are beautiful women with beautiful scenery!
Teri, Jennie, Kaara. Marci, Leslie and me!
 That weekend Trav and I hiked the same trail.  On our way down, we came across a guy on a bike who stopped and told us that there was a mountain lion on the trail down from us, but the guys on the bikes would probably scare it away. After about 5 minutes of in-decision I realized I couldn't do it, so we turned around and headed back up and down a different way.  I was now paranoid about rattle snakes and mountain lions.  My heart got a great workout that day!  After about 10 minutes, there were sirens that sounded close.  As we came down the hill, there was a firetruck and an ambulance on the trail.  A guy on one of the bikes had crashed ... no one was eaten.  It'll take me a while till I'm comfortable hiking up there again though!
A beautiful flower on Mt. Diablo

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