Monday, September 29, 2014

Parker's Eagle Project!

Parker has been working on getting his Eagle Project going since February.  He FINALLY had his Eagle Proposal Board of Review on the 20th.

Here he is in his very expensive new uniform that I spent a fair amount of time sewing his badges on!
They signed off on his proposal, so he got right to work starting on his project.

He is doing a mapping project for Markham Nature Park in Concord.

He is mapping the location and descriptions of about 100 plants in the Australia and New Zealand garden.
Before he got started on Saturday morning, we had to take a picture of a HUGE spider.  It was a beautiful one, as long as it stayed in its web and not on me! 
(You should click on the picture for a bigger view!)
 He started with a safety briefing and then showed everyone around the garden.  He had about 10 people helping on Saturday.
 Here is Conner standing by one of the posts.  He's actually holding down the tape measure with his foot so it doesn't move. 
 Here they are measuring the distance, and radius of the plants so Parker can graph them later.
 Calissa was the photographer for the project.  She took pictures of each plant in order so they can identify them later. (This was a great job for her!) 

 They got quite a bit down that day.  Probably around 2/3rd's of the garden.  He's hoping to finish up the measuring on Friday night and then get to work on the next phase of it.

Way to go Parker!

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