Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fishing Trip with Grandpa to Moon Lake

Parker here! So me and Conner got the lucky opportunity to go on a fishing trip with our Grandpa at Moon Lake. Going into this trip, we had no idea what to expect at all since we had  never been there and never caught a fish! So our main fear overall was mainly just whether or not we would catch our first fish finally.
 One of the amazing things we found out about the lake was the beauty of it. Pictured above is just a small part of the scenery that we were lucky enough to see. 
Guess what?! We caught fish! It didn't take long for me and Conner both to catch our first ones and from then on, they just kept on coming and coming. Here is my face of delight after catching a tiny fish! (Conner's was smaller.)
When we caught the fish, we would attach them to a chain and let them swim on the side of the boat. My dad afterwards said that that was cruel, but I found it more appealing than his idea of whacking it with a rock...
 Here is another view of one of the surrounding hills/mountains that we were able to see.
 One of the stories of the trip was the weather. On the first day when our Uncle Kevin and our cousin Sam were with us, we got poured on the whole time we were out there and once lightning started, we decided that it would be a good idea to head back to shore. Later in the trip we had RIDICULOUS thunder and lightning that shook our entire cabin. Definitely the loudest thunder I had ever heard before.
 Here are some of the beauties that we managed to catch. I'd like to say that I caught the massive one on the bottom..., but that belongs to Conner. He was the fish catching machine of the week and caught the biggest one by far.
 Here's our awkward and lovely pose next to the fish, proving we caught them. Afterwards though we had to clean and gut the fish and that was definitely not our favorite part of this trip. We survived though and even ate them for lunch as well. Overall they were better than I expected, but I put way too much lemon on mine.
 Conner catching yet another fish. (Story of the week)
 Here's Sam with me photo bombing in the background, although that might have been my same expression when the fish managed to escape...
Overall on the trip, our group caught 88 fish I think (don't quote me on that) and Conner caught 33 of them and I caught 25. We both managed to somehow beat Grandpa. It was a really fun trip in general and I'm glad that we went and were able to spend time with our Grandpa. We might even decide to go again someday. Who knows? Thanks Grandpa for inviting us on this fun trip!

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