Saturday, June 13, 2009

All-Star Brothers

Today was closing ceremonies for the baseball season. It's always good and bad when the season comes to a close. Although, by June, I admit I am ready to be done. Then comes the all-star announcements. For some reason, the extra practice of all-stars doesn't seem to bother me. Probably because we don't have to get up for school and have a lot less commitments.

Conner's team came in first place in the Minor division. They got monster sized trophies. They play other division winners from other Little Leagues next week. Go Rays!!

To our excitement Conner and Parker were both selected for the all-star teams. Conner is on the 9-10 year old team and Parker is on the 12 year old team. (The one that can go to the Little League World Series.)

Congratulations Parker and Conner!!

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