Sunday, April 19, 2009

Miniature Golf Fun

Friday, Travis took the day off work and we headed to Scandia after a stop at In-and-Out for lunch. We had a fun time as a family. I killed everyone in Miniature Golf (by 10+ strokes).
Who knew I was so good? :) Travis had the camera as his handicap. Usually it's in my possession, but he graciously volunteered to wear it this time. Throws off your game, huh Trav? That new small camera before the cruise is sounding better and better, huh?Calissa couldn't wait for her turn.
Conner was our most powerful. He hit the ball once and it bounced back towards us, hit something else and then went into the house. We were laughing so hard!

Parker was the most inconsistent -- he had the most hole-in-ones but some "pick up your ball after six strokes" holes too.

Our happy family golfing.

On our last hole Conner got a hole in one and received a free game of Laser Tag. So, we bought one game for Parker so the two of them could play together.
We also played some arcade games before we left.
We got back to Concord just in time for Calissa's gymnastics and then for Parker's baseball practice. It was a great family day. I'm not sure if I'm ready for the kids to go back to school tomorrow or not, so I guess that means that it was a fun Spring Break!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

So fun! Great photos! Where is Scandia? Is it in Vacaville or on the way there?