Sunday, February 1, 2015

Elephant Seals with Calissa

Last Wednesday I was able to go with Calissa and her friends on a trip to Ano Nuevo to see the Elephant Seals.  We met at the school early that morning (like 6:00 am) to drive up there for a 9:30 tour.
 It was a gorgeous day on the coast and we had a beautiful drive there.  On the way, we stopped at Pigeon Point Light House to look for harbor seals and look at the light house.  Here's my group of girls.

 Good morning Calissa!
 The sun was just coming up as we got there.  After about 20 minutes or so, we hopped back in the car to drive to the reserve for our tour.
 We met Calissa's teacher and then headed out on our hike to meet our tour guide about a mile down the road.  It was such a gorgeous day!!
 Here the girls are on the hike.
 Here is our tour guide, Bill.  He was a nice guy and knew a lot about the Elephant Seals!
 Here is a male Elephant Seal hanging out by himself.  We actually at one point were within about 2 feet of one.  They had been moving around and the ranger had to walk small groups of us past him.
 Here is the big group of them on the beach.  They sure are noisy!
 Calissa and I as we were getting ready to head back.
 Kaitlyn, Kyrsten, Calissa & Gracie 
So glad I could spend this fun day with Calissa and her friends.

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