Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Disney Cruise - Day Five!

Wednesday we were in San Juan, Puerto Rico.  We went zip-lining and it was seriously the best excursion ever!  You had to weigh at least 70 lbs. to participate and it said that they would weigh them there.  I had been stressing out for four months because Calissa was about 68 pounds.  A couple of times each week I would send her in to see how much she weighed.  We got there, and they didn't even weigh her!!  All that worry for nothing!
 Getting our gear on and a safety briefing.
 Calissa was VERY nervous and Conner was a little nervous.
 Gear, check!  Ready to go!
 I told Calissa that morning that if she didn't complain and was very brave that I would buy her the stationary thing that she wanted on board the ship in the gift shop.  I thought bribery might work.  Here is the tower that we climbed for our first of seven zip lines. (It was pretty high up there!)
 Parker looking up and Calissa not sure she wants to climb!
 We had five guides on this trip that were FABULOUS!  They joked around with us and were super nice.  Don't you like this sign that was right there as we began climbing up the tower?  (In small letters is says, "Just kidding.")
 As we got higher and higher on the platform the tears started streaming down Calissa's face.  I have to admit as we got to the top I was a little nervous.  There were about 25 people in our group and our family was last in line. I told her I would go first so I could be there on the other side when she got done.  The lady that was helping us started talking to Calissa about school, sports, etc. while she strapped her in and then just pushed her off.
 Here she is coming in.  She had to pull herself in the last several feet because she didn't quite make it.
 Conner had to pull himself in too for the first couple, but after that they figured out how to curl into a ball and then it made you go faster.
 Travis crossing the lake.
 Parker coming in.
 Besides zip-lining, we got to go across eight suspension bridges and also hike through the rain forest.
 Did I mention it was really cool!?
 Taking a break for a quick picture.
 Calissa is starting to smile now! 
They let the two of us go together on a couple of them.  That made Calissa feel better.
 Each zipline had one of these signs ... Wished I hadn't missed taking pictures of the first two, but there was no going back!

 The Green Iguana was a really cool one.  We were going above the trees and there were huge iguanas on top of the trees sunning themselves.
 This one was 1000 long and 200 feet above the ground.  It's a good thing it's at the end because it could be quite scary if you did it at the beginning.  But because you've already been on five before and you realize how safe you are, it is just awesome!  You could see the ocean on one side of you and the city of San Juan on the other.  
 At the lookout before getting on "Big Mama."
 Getting off!

 One last zipline!
 Calissa happily getting on.  (She said that she didn't want to tell us, but this ended up being her favorite excursion!)
 After several hours of ziplining, hiking and crossing bridges we finally finished with a traditional Puerto Rican meal and then boarded the bus to go back to Old San Juan.

 Once we were back on board the ship, we relaxed for an hour or so until we needed to get ready for pirate night!
 Our message center!
 Our door!
(Fun fact - We stayed in this exact cabin when we went in 2012!)
 Pirate Night!
Our show for the evening was watching "Into the Woods."  My boys didn't like it, but Calissa and I enjoyed it.  
 Then, we headed outside for the Pirates in the Caribbean Deck Party.  Unfortunately, right as it was getting started it started to rain ...
 so they had to pack everything up and head inside for the show in the lobby.
 (Isn't this a beautiful mosaic that we passed on our way downstairs?)
 Calissa ...
 and Conner didn't want their picture taken.
(They were a bit grumpy after a couple of very busy days).
 We had our pirate party inside instead.
After a yummy dinner we went back up on deck for our pirate fireworks and dance party.  The captain steered the ship between the clouds so we could avoid the rain for the fireworks and dancing!  We had a fun evening watching the fireworks and dancing the night away!
Our towel art for the evening!

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