Sunday, June 1, 2014

Spring Concerts

 The choir had their final 3 performances of the year at DVC last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  We were able to attend on Thursday night to see them perform. Parker performed with both the Concert Choir (which he did for tour as well), and the Show Choir. They put on a great show!

They were so sad once the concert was over that they huddled in a big group hug on stage. These kids have been through a lot this year.  They had a lot of first year singers (mostly boys) and they had a lot to learn.
 After the concert on Friday night some of the boys in Show Choir posed for some pictures. 
 They are a great group of boys! 
Here is Parker and Nichole after the concert. 
She's in Ladies First (an all female barbershop/a capella group).
Here is the Sunday School picture.  So sad that Tyler and Morgan are graduating.  They have been great friends since we moved in when Parker was 3.  Tyler was a little older when he started coming, but these guys have known each other forever! (Thanks Morgan for putting up with these boys all these years!)

Choir has been a great experience for Parker this year and is looking forward to next year.  Conner has decided to join Concert Choir next year too.  Should be a fun and busy year!

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