Thursday, May 22, 2014

CHS Awards Ceremony

On Tuesday Parker was invited to participate in the awards ceremony at CHS.  He's been invited the last two years, but I've been unable to make it because I was subbing.  This year, I made sure to block off the day so I could go!
 The kids getting the awards (Freshmen-Juniors) were sitting in the chairs.  The bleachers were for one invited school guest (Nichole came) and parents.
Parker received 3 awards during the assembly.
 4.0 GPA for 5 Semesters,
Excellence in Physics award,
 and Excellence in US History. 
It says in the small print, "Most likely to accept his untimely end following a Nuclear Holocaust Award."
(Weird, I know!  That's his history teacher for you!)
Here he is laughing with his neighbor about his History award.
 Congratulations Parker!  We are proud of you!
Nichole, Parker, Luna, and Trever

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