Saturday, April 27, 2013

Walk a thon

Calissa's school had their first walk-a-thon (which ended up being a run-a-thon) last Friday.  It was a fun day with music, running/walking, school spirit, and family and friends cheering them on.  Each grade level was supposed to wear a specific color and then walk for an hour to see how many laps they could do.  Calissa's grade level was supposed to wear purple, so she wore her purple pj shirt since it was the only purple that she had.
 She's to the right of the orange cone. Go Calissa! 
 Here she is on the left getting "high 5's" from the 3rd graders. (She's behind the kid in the hat).
 Stopping for a water break on the way.
Off for another lap!  Great job Calissa!

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