Monday, February 20, 2017

Auntie Jen

I got to be Auntie Jen full time for 6 days last week.  My brother and Tina went to Hawaii to celebrate Kevin's 40th birthday. I spent the first three days at their house, and then the final three days at my house.  On Friday, Emily and I were able to head out for a walk. (There are 3 deer down there behind the fence).
Because of all the rain, the creek is pretty full!
Saturday, we went out to lunch at In N Out Burger and then I took the kids to the park. They had fun playing  for a couple of hours.  Christopher and Lindsay got pretty muddy!  Emily had fun scaling this rock wall over and over again.She was so fast on this 10 foot wall!

Friday night we watched "Finding Dory," Saturday night we watched "Home," and on Sunday night we watched "Pete's Dragon."
Monday, the kids didn't have school so I took them to the Oakland Zoo.  They had a fun time and we spent most of the day there.
The Petting Zoo

Silly kids!

We had a fun time.  The kids missed their parents, but not as much as I thought they would. Glad I was able to help them out, but I'm also glad I don't have little kids myself anymore!  :)

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