Monday, June 3, 2013

Conner's School Acting Debut

Conner was assigned to have Art and Drama, each for a semester in 7th grade this year.  He wasn't really excited about either one, but he ended up enjoying both of them.  He had Drama the 2nd half of the year and they put on a play at the end of the Semester.  He surprised us one day when he came home and told us he had the male lead in the play!  The play was 28 pages long and he had parts in almost every scene.  It was a lot to memorize, but he did a great job!

On a very hot Friday night, we went to watch him perform, "Beauty and the Beast: A Love Story?"
Here he is before the play started, all dressed up as Joshua Harcourt. 
Here is his bio in the program.
Conner did a great job!  Several times I was laughing so hard, I was crying!  At one point the stage crew put up the wrong scene behind him and he ad-libbed for quite a while until they got the scene right again (after a lot of hints from Conner). He also had his trademark "Conner expressions" and really just shinned on stage!  Here he is at the curtain call. I tried to get some video in here, but am having technical issues!  
Conner and his friend Aaron.  Conner played Belle's father and Aaron played the beast. 

Congratulations Conner on your acting debut! You did a terrific job!  His teacher hopes he'll be in Drama 2 next year since he did such a great job, but Conner's not quite sure yet!

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