Thursday, March 28, 2013


Conner has had a busy few months!
Here is a project that he did for his GATE science class.  He had to replicate the bones in the human body using noddles.  Didn't he do a great job?
Conner also went in and got braces!
  He got his braces on, on Monday, March 11th.  So far, he only has 4 on the top, but will be getting more soon.  He's doing a great job taking care of them and should only have them on for 12-16 months. 
Conner also had a fun part in our Ward's Roadshow the end of March.  The theme for the stake was Movie Mashup.  Our ward mashed up "Napoleon Dynamite" and "The Sound of Music."  It was called "The Sound of Dynamite!"  Conner did a great job and had a lot of personality.  Doesn't he look great with that mustache?

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