Thursday, January 24, 2013

An invitation ...

For the past several years our church has held a "Mormon Prom" as an alternate to the school Prom and/or Ball.  It's held at the Interstake Center at the Oakland Temple.  We had asked Parker if he was going to go, but he didn't think he was going to.  That changed, however once Parker's friend Tyler asked someone.  Parker decided to ask Tyler's sister, Michayla to go with him.
We bought a lot of balloons and started blowing them up.  Parker typed up some words to put in the balloons for her to unscramble.  He asked Michayla if she'd go to Mormon Prom with him, and also put some random things in as well (which he highlighted so she would know which ones to unscramble).
Conner blew up so many balloons he ended up falling off the end of the bed lightheaded!
Calissa gathered the balloons and put them in black garbage bags (4 bags full)!
Yes, it was past her bedtime, but this was a family affair.
The next day, I took over the bags of balloons to leave in her bedroom while she was at school.  We also taped a poem to her door along with a pin to pop the balloons with.

The poem said,
 "There's a question enclosed inside the balloons. 
You must pop them all to unscramble the clues. 
 Ignore the highlighted ones, they're just for fun.
 You may be surprised what you find when you're done."
 Teri was nice enough to take pictures of her as she was popping them!

 There were a lot of balloons!!

 Unscrambling the clues!
All done!

 And he got his answer ... YES!

I'm sure they'll have a fun time at the Prom on the 9th of February and we'll have a chance to take a lot more pictures!

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