Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Conner's Field Trip to the Tech Museum

The day before school got out for Christmas Break, the 6th graders at Conner's school went on a field trip to the San Jose Tech Museum. Six busses full of kids went!  I volunteered to go as a chaperone and instead of riding on the bus, I drove my own car with 3 other chaperones riding along.  It was a nice way to help out!  A quiet ride down and back and only three kids to watch over while we were at the museum!
 Conner and Neal trying out the magnets.
 We had fun exploring the different exhibits and looking at all the cool things that have been invented, but our favorite was this display on windmills and how they generate energy.  You probably can't read this, but the display says 997 rpm's.  You had to explore different ways to make the windmill turn.  They used different shaped blades, some with holes, some without holes, if they were slanted, or not.  Conner got his going over 1200 rpm!  The ones without holes worked the best at a slanted angle.
 Here it is spinning in the background before the blades starting flying off and hitting the plexiglass!  Unfortunately, he got it going so fast that one of the broke when it hit the plexiglass, but way to go Conner for experimenting until you got it going really good!  (We just took that little old broken piece and found a nice garbage can to lay it to rest!)
It really was a fun field trip and the best part was being able to hang out with Conner!

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