Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Court of Honor

On Tuesday night, the boys had a Court of Honor at the church. Since they went to Scout Camp they both had quite a few merit badges that they had earned. Parker was involved by sharing the history of the Baden-Powell Ash Ceremony and leading that ceremony. It involves ashes from lots of different campfires and mingling the ashes from your campfires together.
Conner received his Tenderfoot Badge (and Scout Badge) as well as six merit badges. He earned First Aid, Nature, Environmental Science, Fingerprinting, Mammal Study and Swimming. We are proud of how much he has already accomplished!

Parker earned his Life Badge (one away from Eagle) and 5 more merit badges. He earned Camping, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communications and Nature. He only has three more required badges and then his Eagle Project. Woo hoo!!

Great job boys!

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