Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Delta Discovery Field Trip

Conner and I went on his field trip last Tuesday aboard the Robert Brownlee Research Vessel in the Delta. It was a beautiful, but cold day. I arrived at school about 12:15 PM, and we took off about 12:30.Here is Conner and his classmates waiting to get on board the boat.

On board with life jacket.
The first station that Conner attended was the mud station. During that station, we got to help pull in the fish net. Here are the kids looking down to see what was in the net.

Here is Conner's group as they pulled in the mud off the side of the boat.

Conner was supposed to be looking through the mud, but he didn't want to touch it. What a surprise!

They were supposed to put mud on their faces. Conner put the smallest dot he could on his nose. Look at the other faces in the picture!

Washing the mud off his find was more his style!
The next station we went to was the fish station. They had to identify four different kinds of fish and then they could hold them if they wanted. Conner finally decided he'd hold one on the 2nd fish.
This was an interesting fish with eyes that migrate as it gets older. Conner was willing to touch this one, but not hold it because it was too big.

Our 3rd station was collecting water from the Delta and then putting it under a microscope to see what was in the water. They found Photo Plankton and Zoo Plankton. It was pretty cool!

The last station was one about conserving water and keeping the water clean. It was a great field trip and a lot of fun. I'm glad Conner and I could spend that time together. We got back on the bus a little after 5 PM and made it back to the school about 5:40. It was a long day, but lots of fun!

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