Sunday, June 12, 2016

8th Grade Graduation!

 Poor Calissa had a rough end to her Middle School career.  My grandfather passed away and the family decided to have the funeral on Saturday, June 11th (the day after Calissa's graduation).  We decided it would be better to leave earlier than after her ceremony, so she was going to miss her promotion ceremony.  She was a little sad about that.  Then, she came down with a high fever that made her miss three out of the last four days of school.  She missed getting her yearbook with her friends, she missed a couple of finals.  It was sad.
 She woke up on Thursday morning without a fever, so she was able to go to school for her promotion ceremony practice and the 8th grade picnic.  We gave her her graduation card, some cash, and some new goggles that morning before she left.

I was able to pick up her promotion certificate and others when I went in to drop off some work and pick up her yearbook.
 Travis, Conner and I picked her up from school with the car packed and loaded and headed on our drive to Utah.  We hit some traffic, passed through the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains and stopped in Winnemucca for the night. 

The morning of her ceremony, she was all smiles as we got in the car for the final 6 hours of our trip to Utah.  Thanks Calissa for being so understanding and for having such a good attitude about everything.  We love you and are so proud of all the hard work you put in at Sequoia over the past three years. On to bigger and better things!

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