My Grandma Maynard passed away on June 11th in Utah. My aunt and uncle had a memorial service for her in Utah and then we had the funeral and burial here in Concord on Monday, June 27th. As sad as we were to see her pass away, she lived a good long life and is now reunited with my Grandpa. I'm glad that my kids got to know her well, since they didn't get to meet my Grandpa because he passed away about 20 years ago.
The nice thing about her funeral is that is brought all our family together for a short get-together. We usually are only all together about once a year. The kids had a great time together and it was wonderful to get to visit with everyone.
The kids all got bubble guns from Aunt Tina (and batteries from Aunt Kellie) and decided to get Grandpa as we got together for dinner on Sunday!

Thanks Karen! We probably wouldn't have taken one and we appreciate having it!
Here is the whole family including my Uncle Joe, Aunt Gisele and my cousin Chantel.
Mom, Dad, Jen, Drew, Kevin and BJ
I'm looking a little over-dressed!
Monday, was the funeral. It was a beautiful service. Travis conducted, BJ gave a prayer, Kevin spoke about her life, I played a piano solo (Nearer, My God, To Thee), my mom spoke about memories, the great-grandkids sang I am a Child of God and Travis spoke. My dad gave the family prayer and my Uncle Joe dedicated the grave. It was nice to see some family that we haven't seen in years. It's nice at a time of sadness to bring the family closer together.
After the burial, we went back to the church for a luncheon that the Relief Society provided. The granddaughters and great-granddaughters got to pick out a piece of jewelry from my Grandma. That will be a special item to treasure. Calissa was so excited!
My mom let me take home the beautiful flowers from the Grandchildren since I helped pick them out.
Monday, right after the burial BJ had to head back to Georgia for training. Kevin and Kellie went back to the airport about 4 PM. Chrystal and the kids took off on Tuesday morning to fly back to Arizona (which she did by herself with 4 little kids)! We're lucky that we're all getting together again the first week of August so it won't be too long until we're together again.
We miss you Grandma (and Grandpa)!
1 comment:
Thanks, Jen, for blogging about Grandma's passing and the services. You did an amazing job with your piano solo and accompanying the grandchildren's singing I Am A Child of God. You're a treasure to our family!
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