I got home from work yesterday and was looking at my email on the computer when I noticed something moving in the backyard. I didn't think much of it, because we have cats wander through our yard all of the time! However, when I got a closer look, I realized it was a chicken (it ended up being a rooster)!
I went out to get a picture of it to send to Trav and it followed me back towards the house.

It paced back and forth in front of the sliding glass door and pecked at it. A few minutes there was a knock at the door and the neighbor was there asking me if I knew I had a chicken in my backyard. I told her I had just realized it was there and that it had been crowing all day. It had come into their yard under their broken fence and when her husband had chased it, it flew over the fence into our yard. I went outside and tried to chase it out the back gate, back into the canal space where she thought it came from. That was comical and embarrassing, but I quickly realized that it was unlikely that I would be successful until my kids came home. In the meantime, part of the Oleole family came to my rescue. However, they cornered the rooster in a corner, but it flew over the fence into the front yard. Now, six of us were chasing the rooster all over our yard and the neighbor's yard. I had my laundry basket and was trying to trap it under that. Needless to say, we were not successful and after about 45 minutes, we gave up. I had to take Calissa to a pasta feed for track and when we got back, the rooster was nowhere to be found. The next morning, however, it was crowing away as soon as the sun started to come up. After a few days it made its way down the street and is now not living in my front yard!